For those who have special physical/medical needs, the following information may be helpful when planning for a retreat.
Although the retreat sites will make every reasonable effort to find the right accommodation for your needs, all housing for these events is “first come, first served.” For this reason, we cannot guarantee that your specific requests will be met.
The structure of the retreat itself can be rigorous. Each day includes several silent sitting sessions (lasting up to 40 minutes each), in addition to Mukti’s one-hour morning talk and evening Q&A session. It is not mandatory to attend every meditation. There may also be an opportunity for one period of qi gong each day. Qi gong helps promote the unfolding and embodiment of realization. If you attend, you are welcome to modify or visualize doing any exercises that you are unable to perform as instructed. The schedule includes three meals/breaks throughout the day.
If you need special assistance in order to be on retreat, please make all arrangements prior to arriving at the retreat. If it is not possible for you to participate within this format, we recommend attending a one- or two-day event instead. The schedule is less rigorous and does not require participants to maintain silence over multiple days.
Those who would like to explore the depth of retreat teachings in private, or are unable to attend a retreat in person, are encouraged to create their own retreat experience with one of the MP3 download sets recorded on retreat. Check out our Retreat-at-Home page.
If you have further questions, please call or contact Programs.
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