Encounter the power of your deepest self in a retreat format honed over 25 years . . .
- Ground in the peace and clarity of meditation.
- Engage your innermost spiritual questions.
- Discover the energetic unfolding of awakening.
This Weekend Online Retreat is designed to mirror the experience of our in-person residential silent retreats. The full three-day program includes daily talks and Q&A sessions, along with periods of guided and silent meditation, and qi gong sessions.
The structure and schedule for silent retreat has been developed by Adyashanti and Mukti over many years of teaching to create an environment which allows everyone to experience the depth of silence. Retreat helps promote awareness, reflection, and embodiment of the truth of who we are and all that is through our participation in the atmosphere and cultivation of a shared intention with others. Retreat is a time of one-pointed inquiry, a commitment to questioning our most cherished ideas and beliefs.
Apart from Mukti’s live talks, participants will sit with themselves in quietude, feeling the support of the larger group of retreatants who share a like-minded intention.
The Experience of Retreat with Mukti
“After listening to Mukti’s guided meditation in the Sunday Community gathering, her connection with the earth reaches into my heart—simply palpable. Mukti’s understanding and merging of Self-realization and Self-knowledge within the human—spirit and humanity—is a way home.”
~ J. M.
Sharing retreat with Mukti is an opportunity to be supported by her nurturing and welcoming qualities and her deep transmission of stillness. Her teachings focus on creating conditions that foster the organic unfolding of conscious awareness where energies that arise can be met, allowed, and transformed. Encouraged by her deep respect for each person’s expression as human and divine, her retreatants have formed new and beautiful relationships to thoughts, feelings, and emotions, as well as a deeper receptivity to spirit.
Mukti also brings a special perspective, being Adyashanti’s first student! Stories of her journey of Self-realization are invaluable and bring a fresh feminine take on many of Adya’s pointers. Her invitation to us all is generous and powerful—that of “Spirit coming to know and express itself in our human life.” We hope you take this opportunity to explore and learn from her intimate teachings.