Three Gems of Inquiry

Retreat Talk 1 MP3 Download 1 hrs. 1 min. $8.00

The world is hungry for a certain kind of contribution to well-being, both in the way we move externally in life, and in the way we relate to our own internal experience. In this 2018 Vajrapani retreat talk, Mukti offers gems of inquiry that can release conditioned and resisting energy to situations (inside ourselves and out), and free us to express ourselves more wholeheartedly from our truest, most liberated nature of being.

Topics Include:

  • Contributing to the Well-being of Life
  • Response without Resistance
  • We Are a Mystery
  • The Call to Attend
  • Different “I Am” Inquiries
  • How We Can Contribute to Any Moment
  • The Next Most Obvious Thing
  • Sensing the Knowingness of Being

Quotes from this Download:

“How might we respond in a way to a situation where our energy is really wholeheartedly given to a response, as opposed to some of that energy being tied up in the sense that it’s in a fight with what is, and caught up in what shouldn’t be?”

“People often have a fear that if they were to give up an argument, it would be a condoning. A condoning of what is harmful and hurtful and goes against well-being. But that’s definitely an assumption to be questioned.”

“If our identity lies in the ‘who’ that’s for or against what’s happening, it’s caught in those dynamics. It’s caught in that push and pull. And then that push and pull obscures the remembrance of what we are that’s not defined by that fight.”

“What might you extend in a given moment that could be a contribution? That’s not only an external question. It can also be when we’re relating internally. What might you extend to bring about a greater sense of well-being in any given moment?”

Recorded in Boulder Creek, California on May 30, 2018.
© 2018 by Mukti Gray. All rights reserved.

Item #: CDA-743