The Heart of Questioning

September 8, 2020 1 MP3 Download 1 hrs. 32 min. $10.00

Mukti explores how to hold a question close in the heart so that it percolates and informs our being in an ever-deepening way. She focuses on how we can invite our attention to rest in our heart and shine our light of awareness on our heart’s most essential questions.

Topics Include:

  • The Gift of Attention
  • Quiet Contentment vs. Elated Happiness
  • Realizing the Essential Nature of Being
  • Connecting with a Person’s Essence
  • The Values of Happiness and Truth
  • Anchoring in Stillness and Presence


“When you offer the gift of your dedicated attention to something, you are imbuing it with consciousness.”

“We are not orienting toward a realization that is outside of our self, but evoking what is alive in our own essence.”

“Our essential questions can be an opportunity over time for you to connect with your heart center and also offer this gift of your awareness that can be informed by these qualities of stillness, space, and brightness.”

“In order to have an overall sense of well-being, whether it is elated happiness or a quiet contentment—there is often some element of being very in tune with the moment, very present, and feeling aligned in our being.”

Recorded in San Jose, California on September 8, 2020.
© 2020 by Mukti Gray. All rights reserved. 

Item #: DS-1164