Holy Ground

October 18, 2023 1 MP3 Download 56 min. $10.00

What does the phrase “ground of being” refer to? How might we come to know it in our own experience? How does one’s sense of the ground of being serve everyday life? Mukti explores these questions as she guides direct, experiential discovery in this autumn evening talk.

Topics Include:

  • Expressing Settled Stillness
  • Sensing the Ground of Being through Inquiry
  • Intimacy with the Void
  • Harnessing the Light of Consciousness


“Sense the ground beneath all the comings and goings.”

“The ground of being is this neutral ground where we reset and fill up in that sense of stillness and peace that’s beyond the understanding of the mind—beyond the qualities of mind that try to ascribe definitions to things.”

“It is entering into the sense of the womb, the womb of the universe.”

“Allow your (human) consciousness, your attention, to enter into that unconditional ground of being so that it might harness the light of (universal) consciousness and wake up to its own nature as the ground of all of existence.”

Recorded in Santa Cruz, California on October 18, 2023.
© 2023 by Mukti Gray. All rights reserved. 

Item #: MED-1232

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