Often the inner division we feel seems to hinge on choosing between two seemingly opposing outcomes. For example, we may want freedom from our experience or be free to have our experience. We often assume that we need to land on one side of the equation. By exploring the gesture of an outstretched hand and the nature of undivided awareness, Mukti invites us to a freedom without landing.
Talk Topics Include:
Q&A Topics Include:
Quotes from this Download:
"If a question remains to be answered A or B, it may never deliver us into the freedom, harmony, or being that is so core to the expression of what we are."
“You can imagine the sense of being like an open hand; that sense of permission to be, not be anything or anyone, but to simply be.”
Recorded in Oakland, California on October 4, 2014.
© 2014 by Mukti Gray. All rights reserved.