Transforming Prayer

Jan 2017 Series with Mukti 7 MP3 Download 7 hrs. 12 min. $25.00

Within many Advaita and Zen-Buddhism circles, the topic of prayer is not commonly discussed. In fact, many nondual spiritual seekers have lost their connection to prayer. But what is authentic prayer, and how does prayer affect spiritual realization and the expression of realization?

In this 3-part Transforming Prayer series offered online in Jan 2017, Mukti invites you to revisit how your concepts and attitudes about prayer and God live within you. She explores transformational approaches that open a renewed relationship with prayer, inspiring you to see prayer as an integral part of the awakening journey. Through different types of prayer, you can experience a direct opening of the heart as a sanctuary for prayer, attune to your essential presence, discover the core qualities of this presence, and realize how prayer can orient these qualities so that they flourish more abundantly in your life.

Part 1 Topics Include:

  • Prayer as Wordless Being
  • Expressing Your Heart through Prayer
  • Aligning with Your Intention through Prayer
  • Exploring Prayer as a Practice, Attitude, and Expression
  • Attuning to Your Deepest Resonance
  • Aligning with Divine Qualities
  • Prayer as an Inner Sanctuary
  • Cultivating an Internal Environment

Exercise 1: Attuning to the Heart

Part 2 Topics Include:

  • Prayer as Communion
  • Giving Ourselves to Prayer Completely
  • Traversing from the Infinite to Embodiment
  • The Interrelationship between Yin and Yang
  • Departing from the Notions of Separate Self
  • Prayer as Energetic Alignment with Your Intention
  • Divinity Seeking to Know Itself through Prayer
  • Prayer as Dialogue with the Eternal

Exercise 2: Attuning to Presence

Part 3 Topics Include:

  • The Three Jewels of Zen
  • Prayer as a Gathering of Support
  • The Power of Community
  • Energetic Opening of the Heart
  • Invoking Authentic Prayer
  • Aligning with Your True Intention
  • Orienting towards What Is Important
  • Praying with Your Whole Being
  • Letting Spontaneous Wisdom Arise

Exercise 3: Attuning to Qualities of Divine Expression

Quotes from this Download Set:

“Prayer is a deep listening to what you really want to express.”

“Empty out the familiar sense of self in order to directly encounter the truth of your being. What is the energetic aftermath of emptying yourself out?”

“Feelings of yearning and longing are movements of consciousness to call us back to ourselves.”

“Prayer is a means to unburden or surrender to a sense of okayness and peace.”

“By leaning into prayer and giving ourselves to it completely, we become more conscious of our eternal nature.”

“When we become empty of desire, we can then be filled up with a greater sense of our divinity, which can take residence in form and can express in this world as benediction. Our being becomes a servant or vessel of divine qualities.”

“Prayer can be a powerful support to inquiry by clarifying one’s intention. The most important thing is to find out what is the most important thing. Then life finds its orientation around one’s central interest.”

“Prayer can marry the interest of the heart with the expression of the heart.”

“Authentic prayer is unique to each person.”

“To pray with your whole being is a prayer that cannot be denied.”

Please Note: The individual sessions from this online series are also available to purchase as separate downloads in the media/audio download area.

Recorded on January 11, 18, and 25, 2017.
© 2017 by Mukti Gray. All rights reserved.

Item #: CDA-674