Raising the Light

Online Retreat Talk 1 MP3 Download 49 min. $10.00

In this introductory talk to her weekend retreat, Mukti invites retreatants to dive deeply into the light within and invite it to rise to the surface and brighten consciousness. This emerging light of consciousness, she explains, is one that is shared by all beings and is often revealed as we give ourselves permission to take a vacation from the me’ and its efforts to manage experiences. Our willingness to relax in meditation allows the spaghetti-tangle of thoughts to ease and unwind, opening us to the clarity of the light of eternity.

Topics Include:

  • An Invitation to the Mysterious
  • The Energetic Phenomenon of Intention
  • The Locus of Identity
  • Meeting the Light of the Eternal


“There’s this type of light that can’t be boxed in by our images of dark versus light or black versus white. It’s a mysterious light—you could think of it as the light of the eternal, the light of intelligence of the whole, of the totality.”

“Retreat is a time to let the light of eternity—that eternal consciousness—move, and express, and animate you.”

“The beauty of the myriad expressions of life is that they each sparkle with a given resonance in any given moment.”

Please Note: This recording was originally published in the download set: 2024 March Weekend Retreat ~ Online with Mukti  

Recorded in Santa Cruuz, California on March 1, 2024.
© 2024 by Mukti Gray. All rights reserved. 

Item #: MED-1245