Retreat with Mukti, Vol. 5 ~ Talks

Garrison Institute ~ October 2024 6 MP3 Download 6 hrs. 44 min. $40.00

This 6-download set contains all the Talks from Mukti’s October 2024 silent retreat at Garrison Institute. This set includes the first evening talk and all the morning talks, including the Friday morning session which is also part of the Q&A session download set).

Please Note: The Q&A Sessions and Guided Meditations from this retreat are available for purchase separately.

Talk Topics Include:

  • Remaining Open and Curious in Retreat
  • Entering Nonduality Through a Harmony of Opposites
  • Posture as Energetic Conductor
  • Stepping Into Our Incarnation
  • Noticing the Soup of the Moment
  • Listening to Your Natural Wisdom
  • Looking Afresh with the Full Measure of Your Attention
  • Choosing to Get In the Boat of Awakening
  • Laying Our Head Down in the Mystery


“Sometimes it can take a while to have things settle out of the system, but there tends to be a settling. The more each one of us settles, the more all of us can settle.”

“When we’re conscious of a sense of awake, aware Awareness that perfumes this space within ourselves, there’s a way that clear quality of wakeful Awareness becomes more heightened or brighter, and that has a mysterious and powerful effect.”

“There’s a way of connecting with the earth and then lengthening through the spine, up through the crown chakra, connecting with the heavens and the sense of space and light, and it can feel in meditation like you’re sitting as a tree, that you’re rooting down and also growing up. By attending to this pair of opposites above and below, we’re bringing into our consciousness and creating space for both extremes of that duality of above and below.”

“The thinking mind isn’t always the best reference to know another, or to know ourselves—to know what we are, to know what another is.”

“There’s a way that it can feel as though the field of the mind is much wider, and there’s this kind of relationship with the soup of the moment—with this sound bubbling up here, this car passing through there, or this thought bubbling through.”

“Our attention is informed by the light of our consciousness. It’s informed by our presence. It’s informed by this power of Awareness; when we look to the very source of pretty much anything, we offer our attention, our presence, our consciousness, and it further fills and enlivens that territory that we journey to.”

“What is the peace that’s present here, already, in the gaps, in the pauses, and in the midst of all the comings and goings, even in the midst of a busy mind or a chaotic energy? What is that, this stillness within movement?”

“Think of meditation as a time to deeply restore and nourish and saturate.”

Recorded in Garrison, New York on October 20-25, 2024.
© 2024 by Mukti Gray. All rights reserved.

Item #: MED-1253