Introductory Teachings

What Is Meditation?
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May the following web offerings, and what they point to, be nourishment to content your appetites for peace and vitality, softness and strength, and love and wisdom. ~ Mukti

Practice of Self-Inquiry
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Exploring Meditation
What Part Can Meditation Play in Self-Realization?
Clarifying How to Orient to Expressing your Eternal Nature
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Exploring Meditation Posture
Clarifying How Posture Influences One's State
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Let Down & Let Be
FREE Mukti Guided Meditation!
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Let Down & Let Be
Let Down & Let Be FREE Mukti Guided Meditation!
Being Home
FREE Mukti Guided Meditation
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Being Home
Being Home FREE Mukti Guided Meditation
Iron Mountain
FREE Mukti Guided Meditation
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Iron Mountain
Iron Mountain FREE Mukti Guided Meditation
When you look without grasping, the whole universe is looking out of your eyes. It’s an opportunity to see what it is to move without a sense of a central me. ~ Mukti
Sense your nature as Spirit that is always and ever allowing. ~ Mukti
To be aware with the heart is to look at a flower not just with awareness but with feeling. ~ Mukti
If you give your mind all of your attention, then you give yourself away to the mind. ~ Mukti
A meditative mind is at ease because it's not trying to acquire anything. ~ Mukti
The root condition of suffering is ignorance of our true nature, ignorance of knowing ourselves as spirit. Attachment and aversion cause day-to-day suffering. ~ Mukti
This is an open invitation for a simple resting, a return to the ground of being you have always known. ~ Mukti
When one no longer invests in movements of the mind, the searchlights of your attention withdraw back to the source. Abiding as source is true stopping. ~ Mukti
Beautiful things happen when we're willing not to know. ~ Mukti
Rest in this awareness that does not divide, does not name, and which itself will forever remain nameless. ~ Mukti
Spontaneity is a hallmark of our eternal nature. ~ Mukti
True satisfaction lies in just being with what is here. ~ Mukti
Can you recall when you were a child experiencing the world arising, moment-to-moment, without thought dividing its content? ~ Mukti
There’s a way that things naturally want to find their way back into balance and thriving. ~ Mukti
What is it to bear witness to this moment, and whatever content arises in this moment, without refereeing all of it. ~ Mukti
Offering the energy of our attention can brighten our direct knowingness of the source of being. ~ Mukti
Once a question is really clarified, it’s already at work. ~ Mukti
We each have our entry points to realization that we need. None are lesser. ~ Mukti
Prayer is a time to open ourselves to being a channel for spontaneous expression that is often experienced as a kind of blessing. ~ Mukti
When we become empty of desire, we can then be filled up with a greater sense of our divinity, which can take residence in form and can express in this world as benediction. Our being becomes a servant or vessel of divine qualities. ~ Mukti
When we are more settled and less identified with the content of experience, life can feel more seamless. What’s inside and outside is not really noted; it’s all part of the song of the moment. ~ Mukti
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Intimacy of Heart
March 5, 2013
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Intimacy of Heart
Intimacy of Heart March 5, 2013